It's said that the one who knows best, is the one who knows what he doesn't know. To look things up, to ask, to verify, to discuss, and to be able to change one's mind and opinion, are all signs of mature knowing and endearing humility. Of applying knowledge to become wisdom. I've come to think of this lately, as I sit with translations that I've just started to use AI for.
While I read through each paragraph, things like grammar and certain words, and idiomatic expressions, makes me laugh with their obvious mishaps, that I correct and edit. It does seem however, that it was someone used to Norwegian and/or Danish that put in the words, since some words were spelled that way. I get to pat myself on the shoulder, knowing that I know more and better. But, then there are some words showing up that just irritates me not having come up with them myself! One was a typical male word for performance. Then, I get to put my Ego aside, and correct my own. All to ensure that the best text will come out in the end for the client, hopefully with a coherent tone of voice and style specific for the brand.
So, who knows best? Do we honor and respect knowledge? Or, is society still stuck in outer attributes like gender, age and title, being more worthy? I don't think so, now that I'm past 50, and should be respected overall in society, with both my work and life-experience, my education and my IQ. But no, in Sweden at least, people with many followers tend to be listened to more. How is that? Does fame and money equal knowledge? Or else, just men in suits claiming to be more right, as the narrative we live in goes.
When I was a teenager, my Dad and I once made a bet. He was completely sure that Pi was 2.14, while I knew it was 3.14. I had to force him to come in with me to the local library to confirm the correct answer, and I received 100 SEK from him.
Knowledge is a commodity.