When I grew up, nobody could neither spell, nor pronounce, my last name Charpentier, and I usually was called a nickname of it. And when I had started to work as a copywriter and aspired to write books too, perhaps, (with a first draft in Swedish, not published, called "My soul is not for sale"), I didn't want to be too recognized based on my father's resumé as an author and art critic, so already in 1995, I thought of changing it. It would however, take another 10 years until I developed my own and did.

Telluselle is to be kept as personalised brand, with its own unique profile, as a stamp for selling what is within my level of quality and creativity, focusing on eco-living. Having it approved as my last name ensure its own protection since names goes before brand registrations in terms of intellectual property rights, which was approved at the Swedish Patent and Registry Bureau as of winter 2005. It is made of two words: "tellus" and "elle". Tellus means "earth" in latin and elle means "she" in French. Child of earth.
I also changed my first name to Hannah in August 2015, to honor my step-grandmother, to make it first so it won't become any more administrative confusion when I travel or sign contracts and to make it easy to pronounce in most languages, after first having the name Alexandra like my mother once had said she preferred, changed into my second in 2006.