I thought I'd share a list of books that I've read during the years besides the ones that belongs to my education in Workscience and Organizational Change. Among spiritual books, these have influenced me, since 1995:

"You can heal your life" by Louise Hay
"The ninth insight" by James Redfield
"Journey to Ixtlan" by Carlos Castaneda
"Every problem has a spiritual solution" by Wayne Dyer
"The power of intention" by Wayne Dyer
"Creating money" by Sanaya Roman
"Ask and it is given" by Esther and Abraham Hicks
"Why do good people do bad things" by Debbie Ford
"The right questions" by Debbie Ford
"The dark side of the lightchasers" by Debbie Ford
"The four agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
"Stand up for your life" by Cheryl Richardson
"Life Makeover" by Cheryl Richardson
"The unmistakable touch of grace" by Cheryl Richardson
"The art of extreme selfcare" by Cheryl Richardson
"Jaguar woman" (series) by Lynn Andrews
"A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle
"Shamanic circle" by Olga Kharitidi
"Mending the past, healing the future" by Alberto Villoldo
"Shamanic healing" by Alberto Villoldo
"Creative visualisation" by Shakti Gawain
"Angel therapy" by Doreen Virtue
"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
"Brida" by Paulo Coelho
"Family first" by Phil McGraw
"The courage to be rich" by Suze Orman
"The simple abundance journal of gratitude" by Sarah Ban Breathnach
"Urban Shaman" by Serge Kahili King