My favorite poem by Karin Boye is called "Morning" and I thought I'd share it with you. It gives me a sense of hope that I appreciate and that I had quoted in the Swedish version of my book "The Call for Divine Mothering". Here is my translation, as shared here:
When the morning sunlight sneaks through the window, happy and careful, like a child, who wants to suprise you early, early on a festive day -- then I stretch out filled with growing praise my embrace towards the day to come -- thou art the day, and thou art the light, thou art the sun and thou art the spring, and all the beautiful, beautiful, awaiting life, thou art!

Photo of the sunrise in Kailua, Hawaii, 2011
The original poem in Swedish goes like this:Â
"När morgonens sol genom rutan smyger, glad och försiktig, lik ett barn, som vill överraska tidigt, tidigt en festlig dag -- då sträcker jag full av växande jubel öppna famnen mot stundande dag -- ty dagen är du, och ljuset är du, solen är du, och våren är du, och hela det vackra, vackra, väntande livet är du!" (Karin Boye)
Capturing that essence, that spirit, that sentiment and putting it into words with a rhythm that moves your heart, is what all writing is about, especially poetry. It also becomes a personal signature.