As this year is heading towards its end, a good tradition is to recountĀ what you are grateful for and find a theme for the next year that you would like to focus on for your own personal development. What do you want to see more of?
Before drafting any plans or setting new goals though, it's important to state what you believe in; your values expressed in a creed:
I believe in sunshine as a necessary source of good health.
I believe in mutual respect, honesty and dialogue.
I believe in love, as affectionate between humans as we can show our pets, when it is agreed upon.
I believe in equal access to essential resources, such as for basic needs with our own chosen preferences.
I believe in the essential right of having your own home.
I believe in a community coming together to jointly work on improving their relationships among each other and together with the world.
I believe in natural powers greater than me.
I believe in the goodness of man and in God.
Now, how are you living today according to your own expressed values? Are you honoring what you believe in when you make your choices and decisions? This is the foundation of Lifecoaching and what you can expect to discuss in a session with me or any other professional in your area.