It's not any news that Disney (and Hollywood) have exploited Hawaii for half a century already, so that they also have exploited me shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody. It's just sad that they do that, take what is mine rather than collaborate, especially since I am a professional copywriter, and been given this amazing gift of being received with Aloha.
Disney has made two characters partly based on my book "The Call for Divine Mothering" (previously published on one of my blogs). "Olaf" from "Frozen", on p. 67 where I describe meeting a guy from Alaska in 2004, whose name was... Olaf! And of course from my love for Hawaiian Hula and "thawing my Swedish self".
The other character is "Moana" which is developed even more from my book "The Call for Divine Mothering" , such as the part of my meeting with the ocean as described on p. 117, where I land on my ass by a wave outside of the Moana Surfrider Hotel in 2010, and had a meeting with Pele in 2004, besides learning more about Hawaiian healing.
Disney could have simply referenced me in the credits in the end of each movie, saying it's based on my book. At least.
It started when I first took Hula-classes in 2005 and my Kumu had started getting involved with getting the translations and pronounciations in the Hawaiian language, right for "Lilo and Stitch".
To me, all this that so many have done against me, is not just a matter of plagiarising in ways of some duplication, it's a matter of robbing me of my life.