Every time I pass by this particular spot, on my walks in the woods across from where I live, in a suburb to Stockholm, I think of the sacred Heiau between Maunawili and Kailua on Oahu, in Hawaii. A Heiau is a place where many stones have been collected and placed like a house, made into an altar. There it was said, that the Menehunes lived, ie little trolls that can bring both mischief and assist humans. We have trolls also in Swedish folklore. Maybe they live here too? I feel a resemblance and drawn here.

We can't always tell why a place is said to be sacred, or has been a place of worship and/or a temple in the past, but perhaps the gathering of people for this particular purpose co-creates its energy. Or it may just be a gathering place for the spirits of the forest. Maybe this is where the fairies and the trolls have meetings. We can't always see, what we feel.