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  • Writer's pictureHannah Telluselle

What I look for in a coaching client

Regardless of what your desired change is, or which kind of goals you’d like to achieve, there are certain aspects, that I think is important for the coach-client relationship to work and become fruitful.

Here are 6 aspects that I look for:

  1. Authenticity – dare to be yourself, strengths and weaknesses alike

  2. Willingness to try – dare to believe in this pursuit and really do the assessments and action-steps

  3. Honesty – dare to communicate how you feel and what you like and not

  4. Openness – dare to let me present you with another perspective or discuss various options

  5. Desire to grow – dare to look into your relationship patterns

  6. Wanting to learn – dare to be real about your own needs and how to get them met

However, a bit of doubt, or lack of confidence, isn’t any obstacle, since these are natural things to work through with a lifecoach. It’s also paramount that you have an education, even if you’re not sure about working with it, or how to. You can also have a strong passion and not mind interning to learn a craft first-hand, if you seek career development. In return, you get my wholehearted support, attentive and non-judgmental listening, and commitment to help you succeed!

Would you like to try? A focused coaching session lasts 45 min, costs $100 and is usually conducted every two weeks, for you to have time to process and do exercises in between. The first session, to get to know how this work and each othe, is for free! Send me an email to book your first appointment on Zoom, completely without any obligation. I look forward to hear from you soon!

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