One of the great things about dancing both Hawaiian Hula and Isadora Duncan, is the wonderful opportunity to be among likeminded women. Women, who some are older than me, yet in better shape or with more experience of dancing. I can look to them, not only to learn a motion better, but to know that I have more years left myself, before I have to quit. For a dancer in Sweden growing up, I learned that the retirement age is said to be 45 for women and 50 for men. I'm turning 52 this year, yet almost still in the beginning of my journey it feels. This means I can dance for many more years!

When it comes to pre-menopause, I have not felt any type of hot flashes, I'm rather cold, so becoming a little more warm if so, would just be welcome! My period, however, has changed to another pattern, for which I have tried some medicines, which worked fine, so I assume it's my age. Nor, am I rushing to the shelves to buy any special care products for my skin. I have some wrinkles and grey hair, but the latter is even in fashion it seems. I use the same organic biological care still, and feel rather more concerned about having to eat what others prepare. Something I detest for several reasons.
As always, health is wealth.