Last night, I experienced a minor flashback, but also a way to release it faster. I was going into the living room with my water bottle, phone and a cookie, and decided to also bring a bonbon, wherefore I put it into my pocket. Immediately, I became reminded of my recent locked up experience, where I used to keep a bonbon in my pocket, to better cope with the overwhelming nausea in their persecuting wrongdoing.
Just a short second after, I also saw another inner memory, that of Aleka giving me a candy, a couple of times when I was working at the FDC kitchen, while detained as an immigrant in Honolulu. That memory was filled with love, because she was one of several inmates, who really cared about me, and always were nice.
Then I thought to myself, how much I have had to endure. And in that, lies self-compassion that takes the edge of the flashbacks.
Photo of American candy, found through Google search.