I'd like to share an example of Lifecoaching that I've used on myself. It's a matter of finding the right perspective, and focus, to create your own motivation.
For many years, I've had problem getting up on time. I have often been more active in the evenings, than the mornings, and thus had a later cycle. But, rather than beating myself up about it, or become too stressed about not wanting to miss the alarm in the morning (I have been laying awake to not miss it!), I shifted my focus. Instead of having to get up on time, I shifted my focus to go to bed on time. I decided to set a limit and follow that, rather than thinking about what time I should get up. It works! Since November 2020, I've been falling asleep by 10 pm instead of 2 am.
What would you like to change? Contact me for a coaching session and I'll help you get started!