I let go of my victim mentality in the late 1990's. I had a couple of years of soul-searching and pity, before I developed confidence and decided to help empower others as well. Developing self-love has taken some more time, and was a process that started in 2004, when my mother had passed away and also took a couple of years. With a healthy confidence and self-love, comes the ability to better stand up for oneself, but this is unfortunately not that welcome in our society.

I reported Hawaii Pacific University for negligence, but was detained and deported, with no investigation.
I reported a FDC worker for sexual misconduct after feeling hit on, and touched inappropriately, but was sent into the SHU indefinitely, without investigation.
I reported the United States for breaking Human Rights by detaining immigrants without criminal conviction, which was investigated by the UN, but nonetheless I was called psychotic by Swedish authorities and never interviewed in the media about it.
I reported Swedish authorities for failure to do one's duty, but was made homeless by removal of my benefits.
I reported Malin Berghagen for plagiarisms and libel, but became submitted for psychosis, without having it, and without any investigation and trial of her.
I reported Daniel Andersson for stalking, but became convicted for threatening the police, when I pointed out what he had done in an interrogation. He has still not been investigated and tried in Sweden.
What does this say? That the authorities are lazy, incompetent, can't take a discussion on equal terms, and need some kind of publicity incentive to do their job. Or what?